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  • Amazon Services 360

How Does Amazon FBM Work

Updated: Mar 9

In the realm of e-commerce giants, Amazon stands tall as a beacon of convenience for both consumers and sellers alike. However, beneath its seemingly seamless infrastructure lies a complex web of services, one of which is Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM). For those seeking a deeper understanding of how Amazon FBM works, this article aims to shed light on its intricacies and benefits.

Understanding Amazon FBM

Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) is a service offered by Amazon that allows sellers to fulfill orders using their own logistics and inventory management systems. In contrast to Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), where Amazon handles storage, packing, and shipping of products, FBM empowers sellers to manage these aspects independently.

How Does Amazon FBM Work:

Seller Control: With FBM, sellers retain full control over their inventory, packaging, and shipping processes. This control enables greater flexibility in managing product quality, branding, and customer experience.

Listing Products: Sellers list their products on the Amazon marketplace as usual. However, instead of sending inventory to Amazon fulfillment centers, they keep stock in their own warehouses or storage facilities.

Order Processing: When a customer places an order, Amazon notifies the seller through its Seller Central platform. The seller then processes the order, packs the item, and arranges for shipping.

Shipping and Delivery: Sellers can choose their preferred shipping carriers and methods. Once the package is ready, they generate a shipping label and provide tracking information to Amazon and the customer.

Customer Service: Sellers are responsible for handling customer inquiries, returns, and refunds. Maintaining high standards of customer service is crucial for building trust and positive reviews.

Fulfillment Fees: While FBM does not incur fulfillment fees like FBA, sellers must consider costs associated with storage, packaging materials, and shipping. Calculating these expenses accurately is essential for setting competitive prices and maximizing profits.


Benefits of Amazon FBM:

Cost Efficiency: FBM can be more cost-effective for sellers with large or bulky items, low sales volumes, or unique packaging requirements. By avoiding Amazon's fulfillment fees, sellers retain a larger portion of their revenue.

Brand Control: Sellers have complete control over their brand image, packaging design, and customer communication. This allows for greater customization and differentiation in a crowded marketplace.

Faster Inventory Turnover: With direct access to inventory, sellers can react quickly to changes in demand, restocking popular items without relying on Amazon's processing times.

Geographic Flexibility: FBM enables sellers to fulfill orders from any location, providing greater flexibility in targeting specific regions or international markets.

Risk Mitigation: By diversifying fulfillment methods and maintaining control over inventory, sellers can mitigate the risk of stockouts, storage fees, or other unforeseen challenges.


Amazon FBM offers sellers a viable alternative to the traditional Fulfillment by Amazon model, providing greater autonomy, flexibility, and cost efficiency. While it requires careful planning and execution, FBM empowers sellers to build their brands, optimize operations, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. By understanding how Amazon FBM works and leveraging its benefits, sellers can thrive in the dynamic landscape of e-commerce.

10 views2 comments


Apr 04

Thanks for sharing this insightful post! I've been curious about how Amazon FBM works, and your explanation shed some light on it. It's interesting to see the differences between FBM and FBA and how sellers can choose the best option for their needs. Keep up the great content!


Vin diesel
Vin diesel
Mar 27

Thanks for sharing this insightful post on 'How Does Amazon FBM Work'. Understanding the mechanics behind Fulfillment by Merchant is crucial for sellers looking to optimize their operations on the platform. Your explanation provides valuable clarity for those navigating the e-commerce landscape. Keep up the great content!

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